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金銀島(Treasure Island)

今日提早左6點半就食晚飯啦,因為8點我同駿駿要去澳門文化中心度睇童話音樂劇 – 金銀島丫.哈,哈,其車鋨之前就想買飛架啦,但係因為爸爸話吾睇所以冇買.點知Gina話佢買左飛,突然有事唔去得,就出讓左2張飛比我啦.上次睇阿兜,駿駿已經睇得好開心架啦,今次駿駿一樣好開心..而我都覺得幾好睇呢.我同爸爸講,下次如果再有乜兒童劇,就一家三口一齊去睇啦…

Went to New Yaohan this afternoon, because we need to buy something for Boo’s birthday^^ Hum, we first went to have lunch in Angela café… and then walk around in the toy’s section. Bought a toy that selected by Chunchun for Boo’s birthday, hope that she will like it^^
Early dinner tonight, because Chunchun and I need to go to the Macau Cultural Centre to watch an adventurous children musical - Treasure Island. Haha, I didn’t buy the ticket, it’s Gina sell it to us, at first she wanted to go too, but then she have something else to do and couldn’t make it for the musical. Hum, it’s a cutie and fun musical, Chunchun love it, and I like it too. Told Papa that next time if there have any Children Musical on, we have to watch it together^^