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Woke up a little bit early for drawing class this morning, because last week Chunchun asked me to buy sandwich for him during drawing class, I planned to made him a sandwich to drawing class. However, when I asked him this morning… he said he didn’t want sandwich this week>_< Sigh, I should ask him yesterday night, so that I didn’t have to wake up so early this morning.
Arrived to drawing class around 10am, we were first one arrived…haha. Chunchun chose to draw a fish family this time^^ Since fishes are quite easy to draw, so I didn’t have to help Chunchun much, just gave him some suggestion on coloring. And Chunchun’s drawing came out nice this time^O^
Back home around 11.30am, at first I wanted to go to the shopping area this afternoon, however, it’s raining out… we finally went to New Yaohan again>_< It’s just boring going to New Yaohan, lunch, playing in amusement arcade, walking around in toys section… that’s it. It’s something just for Chunchun… I wanted to walk around and looking at other stuff, but Chunchun and Papa kept giving a “back home” face on me every time we finished in toys section=_=; Sigh.
We met Gina and Stephenie while we playing in the amusement arcade; and then we met again while we walking around in toys section; and we met again while we on the way home… haha.