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Woke up early for library this morning, I been asking him do he want to borrow another book today… but he said “no”, he want to keep the book that we borrow last Friday. Therefore, we leave the book at home and went to the library just to read books there. Chunchun was fine in the beginning, however, when Miss Tong said it’s time to leave, and remind kids who want to borrow book. Chunchun took a book to me and told me that he want to borrow it =_=; Silly Chunchun…I have to remind him that he still have a book that borrow from library last Friday, if he want to borrow other book, he have to return the one at home first.
Since Chunchun being super naughty last Friday, I reminded him to be a good boy at school from today on, so that he would have a reward from Papa. I thought that he will be a good boy today, because he has a deal with Papa, if he be a good boy for a week, Papa would buy him a toy that he long for. However, when I went to pick him up this afternoon, his teacher told me that Chunchun was being quite naughty today>_< Didn’t willing to nap, playing with his classmates during nap time, talk loud during class…Sigh, I just didn’t know what to say.
And when we back home to do his homework… he was fine for his first homework, but his second homework… spent almost two hours on it. By the time he finished his homework, I have to hurry to cook for dinner. While he doing his homework, he almost drives me crazy, I want to hit him, hit him and hit him. Luckily, I calm down myself by asking him to stand in front of the door as punishment.
I was so mad about Chunchun…we been trying to punish him or award him…but he just seems to be not care, and kept being naughty~_~ Tired and mad, I was exhausted… and having an argument with Papa…