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Still being emotional this morning, I still mad at Chunchun this morning… and maybe now too. Since Chunchun was kept being naughty recently, I felt kind of disappointed on him and didn’t want to talk to him much. Without good morning kiss and good bye kiss this morning, I notice that Chunchun was sad while he walking into his school. I was sad too, but I couldn’t be nice to him this morning…I still mad about him, and wanted to hit him somehow>_<
Feeling a lot better this afternoon, and went out to have lunch and shopping around with Papa. And then we went to pick up Chunchun together. Sigh, not again, teacher told me that Chunchun peep at girl washroom today, and when they asked Chunchun why… Chunchun kept saying “No, I didn’t” Every things is “No”. I wonder when Chunchun starts lying=_=;
And again, Chunchun spent 2 hours on his homework again. Doing great for his first homework, but couldn’t concentration anymore on his second homework. I want think, should I let him study between his first homework and second homework, just to let his hands rest for a while… will it work better?