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爸爸發火(Papa got mad)


Went to library this morning, sigh, because of Papa, we were so late for library=_=; by the time we arrived to the library, it’s almost 8.30am already, only have around 10 minutes for kids to read, so teacher decided not to take kids to library this morning. Only Chunchun and I stay in library, so I read 2 story books with him this morning^^
Picked up Chunchun around 3.30pm, hum, Chunchun told me that he didn’t wait for pray before tea time, so his teacher confiscated his tea until he being a good boy again while praying.
Hum, his Chinese writing wasn’t bad recently, however his Math writing were a mess=_= He was writing 48 and 49, it’s not anything hard, but his 4 and 8 or 9 always stick together…sigh~ wonder why Chunchun didn’t have any concentration on doing homework.
I wasn’t happy about Chunchun’s homework today, and then Chunchun didn’t finish his dinner on time… he only ate around half bowl of rice and half dish of meat and vegetables=_=; Asked him to stand next to the door as punishment, however, he said he was having a bellyache and need to go to bathroom. Well, it’s ok, if he really having a bellyache, I didn’t plan to punish him again, after he got a poo. But, Chunchun was lying; he didn’t have bellyache, and didn’t need to poo. That’s made Papa mad~_~ Papa wasn’t happy about Chunchun playing in dinner time and didn’t willing to eat, and then Chunchun was lying, that made Papa wanted to punish him. And, sigh… it’s hurt, I saw Chunchun’s behind was having a lot of finger mark=_=