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可憐駿駿今朝重記得爸爸嬲佢呢.我唔係好記得今朝同駿駿傾計時講過乜啦,但係當我提起爸爸時,駿駿就話”唔好丫,爸爸重嬲我架!”我唔明,點解駿駿永遠都只會記住爸爸嬲佢,罰佢..之後會試下做乖小朋友;但係永遠唔會記得媽媽嬲佢,罰佢,唔會之後想做個乖小朋友架呢?雖然爸爸罰完駿駿,駿駿都好以會知錯會改係件好事,但係駿駿會覺得爸爸得人害就唔係太好囉=_=; 唉~

Poor Chunchun still remember Papa was mad at him this morning. I didn’t remember what we talking about, but when I mentioned about Papa, Chunchun said “No, Papa still mad at me!” I wonder why Chunchun only remember Papa mad at him and will try to be a good boy after Papa punished him, but never remember Mama mad at him, and never trying to be a good boy after Mama punished him? Hum, it’s good that he will trying to be a good boy after punished by Papa, however, it’s not good that Chunchun feel scare about Papa=_=; Sigh~
However Chunchun didn’t be a good boy for a long time this time, because Grandma came to Macau tonight… Chunchun knew that Grandma spoiled him a lot, so rare listen to Grandma…