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乖孩子(Good Boy)

買完衫比駿駿我地就去麥記食午餐啦,因為今日開心樂園餐有Hello Kitty玩具同玩具車送丫,而且近期重有個新既漢堡包,睇起上黎好好味,爸爸同我都想試呢^^食完午餐,本來我想行街買衫架,不過駿駿好似好興奮咁..又唱歌又亂跑,最後我行左2間鋪頭頂佢唔住都係決定返屋企啦.

Went to pick up Chunchun with Papa this morning, because we planned to go to the shopping area to have lunch and shop around. Chunchun made a chocolate biscuit today, he was very proud of his biscuit today. Kept telling us that his chocolate biscuit are delicious and have to share with us after we back home.
Hum, so weird, Chunchun had been a lot time didn’t grown any taller and heavier, however, most of his short-sleeve shirts from last summer were short, tight or looks tiny… So we went to buy some shirts for Chunchun immediately, sigh, what we bought today were not worth to be that expensive=_=; If we were in Hong Kong, we sure could buy something a lot better around that price; however we have not choice in Macau.
After we bought some t-shirts for Chunchun, we went to McDonalds to have lunch, haha because they have Hello Kitty toys and cars for happy meal^O^ and Papa wanted to try the new juicy burger. I wanted to walk around and buy some nice clothes for myself after lunch, however, Chunchun was too exciting~_~ We have to go home after I went in the second store…
Back home to nap with Chunchuna and then prepare for dinner, hum, Chunchun was doing great in dinner time, wonder why he didn’t willing to ate last night.