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畫畫班(Drawing Class)


Took Chunchun to drawing class this morning, hum, he been doing a great job in the pass few weeks. However, he was super naughty today, didn’t willing to listen to his teacher… didn’t have any concentration=_= His drawing today was a mess, I have to help him to outlined his picture again before he coloring it.
Went to New Yaohan after drawing class, sigh, I didn’t want to go to New Yaohan at first, Papa and I were thinking either go to the beach or grass slide today. However our water heater broken yesterday night, so we have to go there to buy a new one; and wanted to look for new sandal for Chunchun. We first went to look for the water heater, and then went to have lunch. Hum, didn’t know why I was having a sore throat today…didn’t feel like to eat today=_=;
Went to amusement arcade, supermarket and kid’s shoes section after lunch, and surely toys section too. I thought that we should spent a lot of time in New Yaohan already, however, when we leave, I found that we only stay there less than 2 hours… so weird…we been doing so many thing there.