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早上(In the Morning)


Didn’t know why Chunchun woke up super early this morning, around 5 am or 6 am=_=; I been telling him it’s not morning yet, hurry to go to sleep again; however, Chunchun kept telling me “I am awake, I want to play!” Surely I won’t let him to go play around, I was worry that he won’t have enough sleep and feel sleepy in school; so force him not to leave his bed even he’s awake.
Hum, I knew that Chunchun been fall in sleep a few time after he awaked around 5am, however, it’s just a few minutes slept…I woke up around 7am to gave him a milk and take a shower, sigh, I knew it, Chunchun started to feel tired and wanted to sleep while he having his milk~_~ Woke him up after I finished shower and asked him hurry to prepare to school, it’s time for library.
Chunchun seem to be doing not bad today, finished homework on time, just a little bit not concentrated on studying. Hope that he will keep his good behavior^^