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消防車(Fire Engine)


Took Chunchun to drawing class with Great Grandma this morning. Hum, Great Grandma was quite boring this morning, at first I didn’t plan to ask her to go with us, however, Chunchun wanted Great Grandma to go with him=_=;
Chunchun decided to draw a fire engine today, haha, wonder is that because he went to visit fire station before. He was doing not bad today, his drawing was quite good but still lacks of concentration… have to remind him what he is doing all the time. Back home around 11.30am and then prepare for lunch around noontime. Sigh, at first we planned to go to the beach this afternoon, even today was cloudy day. But it’s rain when we prepare to go out=_=; Finally we have to cancel our plan and stay home all day today.