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同爺爺食飯(Dinner with Grandpa)


Grandpa called last night and asked us to have lunch with him today, at first I thought that only Papa and I went to have lunch with Grandpa, however, Papa asked me to pick up Chunchun before noontime, Chunchun have to have lunch with Grandpa. So I called kindergarten and told Chunchun’s teacher that I will come to pick him up on lunch time. But then Papa called me around 11am and said that we don’t have to have lunch with Grandpa today, he changed his mind to have dinner together=_=; Sigh, I have to call to kindergarten immediately and told them I won’t come to pick up Chunchun on lunch time.
Went to pick up Chunchun with Great Grandma this afternoon, hum, Great Grandma said Chunchun was having belly ache this afternoon. He didn’t ate good during lunch time, because he usually have 2 bowls of rice, but today only have one=_=; And after lunch, Chunchun seem to be very painful because of his belly ache… he have to go to health centre to see doctor.
Walking to Wynn to have dinner with Grandpa, hum, Chunchun kept telling us that he having belly ache during dinner time…however he didn’t willing to go to bathroom=_=; Since Chunchun wasn’t feeling too well today, he was being a good boy tonight, sit well and ate well. After dinner, we walk home with his little brother, haha, it’s so cutie that they walking hands in hands… and Chunchun trying to act like a big brother whenever we have to across the road.