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因為上星期我燒左成個星期丫,所以駿駿上個星期都冇得去圖書館呢.今日總算好番晒啦,就一早7點起身準備同駿駿去圖書館睇圖書.哈..哈..駿駿見到我比平日早左半小時起身,佢就知我地要去圖書館啦…成朝同我講”我地係咪要去圖書館丫?”, “我要借新故仔書丫!”

Since I been having a fever almost a week, Chunchun been a week that didn’t go to library. Woke up around 7am and prepare to go to school before 8am. Haha, Chunchun was so happy that I woke up half hour earlier today, and kept asking me “are we going to library today?”, “I want to borrow new story book!”
We arrived to library around 8.15am, sigh, I just found that library will not open on June, so Chunchun only can go to library 4 more times… wonder will he miss library during summer. Maybe it’s the time that starts buying some new story book at home for Chunchun to read.
Back home around 9am, and then I went back to bed around breakfast. I still feeling not too well after my sickness, having headache all the time; and maybe because of the hot weather… I just feeling not well=_=