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Chunchun was being a good boy this afternoon, finished his homework and study quickly so we went to Papa office to wait for Papa and then went to buy ice-cream together.
Hum, Chunchun still a good boy when we back home around 7pm. He was playing alone in living room, and Papa was in the bed room, I was hurry to cook for dinner in the kitchen. However, just before Grandma arrive, I heard Chunchun yelling “Grandma~ Grandma is coming” and then I heard that he tell Grandma that he just drop a pen from the window~_~ Sigh, I knew that he was mindless, he just want to check on Grandma through that window, and drop his pen by accident. But Papa and I were thinking, he should carry stuff near the window, so Papa started to talk to Chunchun, kept telling him what’s wrong with him. However, Chunchun cry once Papa starts talking, and that made Papa mad because cry couldn’t solve problem~_~