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Hum, I guess I was quite lucky today, because when I went to library with Chunchun rain stop and didn’t rain again around 10am. Haha, I didn’t have to carry umbrella with me this morning^^
However, rain didn’t stop since 10am… sigh, I wanted to go to food market. Finally Papa and I didn’t go to food market, Papa didn’t go to office either, rain was too heavy~_~ We just went to pick up Chunchun and then hurry back home.
Trying to teach Chunchun to take shower by himself tonight, hum, he was fine to take a shower, at least he won’t afraid it, however, I just think that he didn’t really know how to clean up himself, when I gave him the shower gel he his fingers were wide open=_=; most of the shower gel were drop off… I have to teach him not to open his fingers again and again, and then he just simple and softly mop on his body…didn’t have any foam after he said he finish…is he too young to take a shower by himself?