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媽媽生日快樂(Mama Happy Birthday)

今朝送駿駿返學時,我同佢講“今日媽咪生日喎.”駿駿就即時話“哎丫,咁我地咪要去買玩具囉?”哈,哈,佢覺得個個人生日都要送玩具做生日禮物…之後我又同佢講“但係媽咪唔係小朋友,唔要玩具架喎!”…駿駿幾醒丫,即時答我“咁我送Hello Kitty比你丫,咁放學要叫爸爸帶埋銀包同我去買先得喎!”哈哈,佢知自己冇錢要爸爸比錢,重要重點叫爸爸帶銀包,真係笑死我.

When I took Chunchun to school this morning, I told him that today is my birthday; then he said “aiya, we have to go to buy toys (gift) then”. Haha, he think everyone like toy when birthday (?.?) Then I told him Mama is not a kid, I don’t need toy. Smart Chunchun said “I buy you Hello Kitty then, let’s ask Papa to go shopping after school, remind him to bring money to pay for it!” Haha
Went out to have lunch with Papa, and then we have to go to food market and buy birthday cake and buy comic. Hum, we first went to comic shop to buy comics and then went to Japanese Restaurant to have lunch. Sigh, I knew that should so a lot of new comics available since April, however, comic shop in Macau just didn’t have it>_< I guess I have to wait until I back to Hong Kong to buy it. Went to food market to buy food and bakery to buy birthday cake, then we back home to take a rest before we go to pick up Chunchun.
Chunchun was quite naughty this afternoon, since Grandma will come to Macau late, so we will have late dinner tonight; I gave him some more biscuit for tea before he starts doing his homework. Sigh, Chunchun kept walking around while he having his biscuit, I been telling him to sit well in his little table. But he didn’t listen to me, finally he almost fall into the fan=_=; I have to yell at him to stop him walking around. And then when he starts to doing his homework… he just didn’t concentration at all… sigh~
Started to prepare dinner after Papa came home around 5pm something, hum, Chunchun seem to be very naughty again, I heard Papa yelling at him and punished him to be stand in the corner. Why Chunchun was so naughty today?
Grandma arrived around 8.30pm and then we hurry to have dinner together, haha, Chunchun love the garlic bread I made (I made the garlic butter), and mix potatoes. Finished dinner around 9pm and then we have birthday cake together
