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新八佰伴(New Yaohan)

大約中午左右我地先去食午飯,之後就同駿駿係三樓持賣場度睇野啦.買左頂好可愛既維尼太陽帽比駿駿丫,果度重有三眼仔,米奇,Hello Kitty, Melody果d帽添架.我見到Hello Kitty本來都想買頂同駿駿一齊去旅行時戴呢.不過真係可愛得濟,我戴左唔好睇呢=_=同駿駿買完野,我地就去遊樂場度玩啦,不過因為駿駿今日唔係好乖,所以只係玩左2個遊戲我地就走囉.離開八佰伴之前我地再去行下男裝部先,因為就黎父親節啦,我地要買禮物比爺爺呢.

Woke up around 9am this morning, sigh, it’s Saturday, why we have to wake up so early>_< Take a shower after I woke up and then made a sandwich for Chunchun and me for breakfast. Let’s Chunchun to study English and then prepare to go to New Yaohan to have lunch and play.
We arrived to New Yaohan around 11.30am, we first went to the ground floor, since we notice that there have a new toy’s section opened when we go there last time. This new section has 2 cutie Lego man in front of the door, hum, actually that new toy’s section mostly is baby’s toys and some educational toys or VCD. But Chunchun was having fun there, because there have a Thomas train that he could ride on, and a slide, and a lot of baby’s toys^^ Chunchun didn’t willing to leave at all.
Have lunch around noontime, and then we walk around the promotion area, we found some cutie hat there, bought a Winnie the Pooh hat for Chunchun there^^ And then we went to the amusement arcade to play for a while, and since Chunchun was quite naughty today, we just played 2 games and then we leave. We walk around the men’s section to found some nice shirt of Grandpa before we leave New Yaohan, because Father’s Day is coming soon.
We went to Royal Supermarket after we bought gift of Grandpa. Sigh, I really want to spend time to look around in supermarket, I didn’t like to buy stuff in hurry; but Papa didn’t like to hanging in supermarket a minute longer=_=; He just kept asking me hurry up… and sigh, I found that I forget to buy a lot of stuff today>_<


