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Drawing Class


Sigh, I was getting so mad while Chunchun and I in the drawing class this morning, I guess I won’t let Chunchun go to that drawing class anymore. We arrived to drawing class a little bit late this morning; when we arrived there already have 4 other kids there. Hum, I knew that Chunchun may not have any concentration when teacher ready to teach him. He was fine when I draw with him, and he seem to be doing not bad too… however, when his teacher ready to teach him, Chunchun was super uncooperative=_=; And I saw him argue with teacher, he didn’t pleased what teacher teach him…because they were drawing wild boar, and his teacher made a mistake on it horn and mouth. And then Chunchun seem like didn’t want to draw the picture at all, so I told him to leave and finish that picture next time when class almost over. But then Chunchun starts crying and yelling…”I want to finish it!” Sigh, I was mad then… asking him why if he like drawing, he didn’t play more attention on it, why he couldn’t color it well, and why he didn’t follow teacher instruction=_=; He didn’t answer, just crying and yelling… Finally, I force him to back home without finish his picture.
I was so mad that Chunchun always cries when he was doing something wrong; and I didn’t like his teacher either, she just didn’t careful enough… didn’t look at the picture that kid chose… and just teach them to draw something similar, then why asked kid to chose? Well, I teach Chunchun to draw the same picture again after lunch, and he was doing great…didn’t have any argue with me; we were happy while we drawing together. So I decided to teach him drawing myself at home, if he really like drawing, I will find another nice drawing class for him.
Since Chunchun was quite emotional this morning, we cancelled go to Fisherman’s Wharf this afternoon, just stay home to have lunch and study and draw with Chunchun. Papa and I were so boring staying at home all day, so we decided to go to Fisherman’s Wharf to have dinner after we think Chunchun was started to being a good boy again.
Arrived to Fisherman’s Wharf around 8pm, and then we hurry to the restaurant to have dinner. Nice steak there, Papa and I have a nice dinner there ^O^ After dinner, we went to the amusement arcade to play for a while and back home around 9pm something.