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中文考試(Chinese Exam)


Chinese Exam today, sigh~ wonder how’s Chunchun doing hopes that he will be OK. During the Exam, kindergarten kids were all half day school, off around 12.30pm. Papa and I went to pick up Chunchun around 12.30pm and then we went to have McDonald’s together.
Hum, Chunchun ate a half cup of corns, and a few French Fries with orange juice in McDonald’s and then when we back home, he drink 8oz of milk before he nap. Sigh, I wonder is that Chunchun didn’t have enough lunch at school? But he already have 2 bowls of rice everyday, he was one the fresser at school.
Study with Chunchun after he woke up from his nap, hum, English Exam on tomorrow; I thought that didn’t have much to study for English, because Chunchun seem to be doing a great job on English.