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英文考試(English Exam)


Heavy rain this morning, and sigh, when we arrived to school, there already have a car parked in front of the school, so I have to park my car in the bus stop. By the time Chunchun and I arrived to school, I was all wet… and then because of the rain, traffic jam everywhere, I spent over half hour to got home~_~
Went to pick up Chunchun in the noontime, haha, we went to the shopping area immediately after school. Hum, I didn’t plan on it, because I didn’t like Chunchun going out with his uniform on. But Papa said he want to go shopping suddenly after we pick up Chunchun.
Have lunch in McDonald’s again, and then we walked around in the shopping area. Sigh, I want to buy short and clothes, however, I didn’t found anything nice today… only Papa bought some clothes.