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考試成績(Exam Result)


科目 上學期 下學期 學年成績
中文 A A A
英文 A A A
識數 B C B
常識 B B B
唱遊 B B B
美勞 A A A
體能 B B B
故事 A B B
操行 B B B


Graduation Ceremony this morning, sigh, we have to wake up around 7am and take Chunchun to school before 8.30am>_< Why we have to go to school so early? Papa and I went to McDonald’s to have breakfast and then back to school before 9.30am.
Hum, I think the Graduation Ceremony was better than last year, haha, may be because it ended around 10.30am, it’s an hour shorter than last year. Haha, be honest, the certificate of award looks so nice, remember last year just a piece of paper, but this year it cover by plastic. Too bad Chunchun didn’t have any award, sigh, but I do have one because I volunteer to be librarian in the kindergarten library.
After the Graduation Ceremony, it’s time to pick up Chunchun and it’s time to receive his Annual Report. Sigh, I guess I have to work harder study with Chunchun next school year, because I think his result was super bad>_< Most of the subject regressed compared with last year.
His Annual Report:

Subject First Term Second Term Academic Year
Chinese A A A
English A A A
Mathematical Concept B C B
Social Studies B B B
Singing B B B
Art & Craft A A A
Physical Education B B B
Stories A B B
Conduct B B B

Isn’t it bad? Well he wasn’t the worst one, but it’s bad enough to let me think of study with him more. I knew that the Second Term was not good was because I was sick for a while and didn’t study with him for test week…so I couldn’t blame of Chunchun for anything>_<
Went to the Hair Salon again to let Chunchun do his hair cut, it’s quite a lot of people there today too, but lucky some people let Chunchun to do his hair cut first, so we only wait for around half hour.