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剪髮(Hair Cut)


Took Chunchun to school with Papa this morning, haha, because last week when we wanted to go to hair salon to do hair cut, it’s closed for vacation… We parked my car a little bit far away, but it’s 5 hours parking space… We first went to McDonald’s to have breakfast, and then walk to the Hair Salon around 9.30am. Haha, it’s not open yet, Papa was so scare that it still in vacation; and just before we decided to walk around for a while, stylist arrived and opens his Hair Salon…haha. Papa and I finished hair cut around 11am, and there still have an hour to wait for Chunchun off school.
Went to Hair Salon after picked up Chunchun with Papa, sigh, it’s full, we have to wait for 5 persons…finally we only wait for around half hour and then decided to do hair cut for Chunchun tomorrow….