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夏令開始啦(Summer Class Starts)


Summer Class starts today, sigh, only half hour school today, wonder what they do today=_= Poor me have to wait in my car in front of the bus stop to pick up Chunchun; because half hour wasn’t enough for me to go back home, and I couldn’t found a parking space this morning.
Picked up Chunchun on 9.30am, he seem to be very happy today, I guess they just giving out note and introduce new teacher to student today. Back home before 10am, hum, so boring didn’t know what to do with Chunchun. Let him watch one cartoon and then asked him to play in his playground while I have to prepare lunch.
Nap with Chunchun after lunch and then starts to prepare dinner after I woke up. Hum, so boring, I should find some where to go with Chunchun or find some activities for Chunchun… hope that tomorrow I will find something fun for Chunchun