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好悶丫(Boring Day)

夏令既第二日啦,由今日起駿駿就放12點半囉.,係學校食埋飯先放學.夠鐘我同爸爸就去接駿駿放學啦,之後我同爸爸先返屋企食飯,等駿駿自己玩.哈..哈..駿駿真係好鬼為食,因為我地食飯時,駿駿竟然走黎問我 “點解冇我份既?我都想要丫!”係爸爸話佢,岩岩先係學校食完,依家唔食啦..佢先走開咋…哈..哈..唔知駿駿係單純既為食定係學校食唔飽呢?

Second day of Summer Class, from today on Chunchun off school around 12.30pm. Hum, went to pick up Chunchun with Papa, and then Papa and I back home to have lunch, Chunchun playing by himself. So funny, when Papa and I having lunch, Chunchun came to me and asked “Why nothing for me? I want some too!” But then Papa told him that he should have lunch in school already, can’t eat too much…haha.
Nap with Chunchun after lunch, at firs t I wanted to draw some picture with Chunchun, however, he seems not interesting about that=_=; I guess I don’t have to look for another drawing class for him now. Went to supermarket after nap, sigh, I want to shop around in supermarket…but we couldn’t found any parking space>_< Finally only Papa go in the supermarket, Chunchun and I waiting in my car…