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返澳門囉(Back To Macau)


Planned to back to Macau today, sigh, summer holiday is over… I am going to miss it>_< Chunchun and I arrived to the Ferry Terminal around 1pm something, it’s so crowded there, we finally bought the 3pm ferry ticket… sigh, we have to wait there for over an hour=_= Luckily I got my NDSL with me, so that Chunchun won’t got boring and wanted to running around.
Back to Macau around 4pm something, and by the time Chunchun and I walked back home, it’s already 5pm something…wonder why so many people go to Macau today~_~ Hurry to unpack my suitcase, and do a laundry before dinner. Ordered Pizza around 7pm and we have dinner around 8pm today. I am so exhausted, and Chunchun too, because he didn’t nap today, and we spent so much time on queued and walking today. We all go to bed around 10pm tonight.