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今日好忙丫(Busy Day)


Busy, busy, busy, I am so busy today. Went to the pharmacy to buy some daily commodities and then back home to have pizza left over for lunch. After lunch, Chunchun and I went to the food market together to buy foods for the next few days, I really hate to got o foods market, and I really hate to carry heavy stuff>_< Lovely Chunchun help me to carry 2 bags of meat and I carry eggs and vegetable. From now on, I guess Chunchun and I have to go to the food market every weekend, since Papa back to work again, no one would help me>_<
Back home around 3pm something, and let Chunchun to nap while I cleaning up the living room. Sigh, I been exhausted since yesterday, and I still have many have to do>_<