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Went to the shopping area with great Grandparents and Chunchun this afternoon, because great Grandparents will leave on Monday morning, they wanted to buy something to Hong Kong.
We first went to McDonald’s to have lunch, because Chunchun said he wanted that Alphabet Teddy. We ordered 3 kid’s meal to got H,I,N Alphabet Teddy, too bad that K,J were sold out already, and we missed A,C,E =_=; It’s hard to collected as our names now. But when I look at those teddy, hum… it’s not as cutie as it on commercial, I guess I won’t crazy on collecting it…haha.
Walking around in shopping area after lunch, got lost with great Grandparents in Daiso=_=; Luckily they didn’t walk to anywhere else, just waited in front of the store… We spent around 3 hours in the shopping area and then we back home to nap together…haha.