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同爸爸2人世界(Shopping in HK without Chunchun)


Planned to go to New Yaohan with Great Grandparents and Chunchun this morning, however, Papa called around 10am suddenly and said that he’s free today and we would go to Hong Kong to shop around with out Chunchun. Haha, poor Chunchun have to stay home with great Grandparents today, but Papa promised Chunchun he will buy Transformers to him today.
Well Chunchun was happy that Papa promised him to buy toys, and agreed that he will stay home with great Grandparents today. However, when we prepared to leave home, Chunchun ran to us and put on his shoes…. Looks poor, but Papa really didn’t want to take Chunchun together=_=;
Papa and I arrived to Hong Kong around 2.30pm something, and then we went to have lunch immediately^^ Papa bought a lot of t-shirt today, and bought 1 Transformer for himself and 2 Transformer for Chunchun; but me only bought 2 comics today>_< Sigh, I wanted to shop around too, but we didn’t have enough time…