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又過香港囉(Go To Hong Kong)


Went to pick up Chunchun around 3.30pm and then back home immediately to prepare to go to Hong Kong this afternoon. Halloween tonight, we promised Grandpa if he quit drinking, Chunchun will back to Hong Kong tonight and asked Grandpa to take him to all Auntie’s home to get candy^^ And my auntie wanted to take Chunchun to TST tonight.
We got on the 4.30pm ferry today, sigh, didn’t why the surge upset Chunchun today=_= Chunchun vomited twice while we on the way to Hong Kong, I got a little bit seasick too, so I called Grandma immediately and asked her to come to pick us up in the ferry terminal. So lucky Chunchun was feeling a lot better after he vomited twice, at last he didn’t need to me carry him^^ Back home with Grandma around 6.30pm, and then we take a rest before dinner.
Grandpa came to pick up Chunchun to all my aunties home around 9.15pm. We first went to my uncle’s home, and then went to my auntie’s home… haha, Chunchun got a full basket of candy afterward, we have to back to great Grandma’s home to empty Chunchun’s basket before we go to TST tonight.
Arrived to TST around 10pm tonight, it’s not very crowded today, maybe because today wasn’t weekend, most of the kids have to go to school tomorrow. Chunchun was being shy in the beginning, maybe he’s scare of the devil and monster, he didn’t willing to take picture with them. After around 10 minutes, finally he was willing to take picture with devil and monster and skeleton man. After the first picture, Chunchun love it, and enjoy taking picture with anyone pass by, especially pretty lady ^O^


