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同公公一齊賣野(Work with Grandpa)


Grandpa asked Chunchun to go to work with him yesterday night, so today, we went to Tsuen Wan and stay in the store for a while with Grandpa.
Hum, we first went to Grandpa’s home, and then we met my auntie in MTR station to Tsuen Wan around 11am something. Arrived to Tsuen Wan before noontime; Chunchun and I went to walk around in the mall before they finish set up the store. After the set up the store, Grandpa, Chunchun, my auntie and I went to have lunch first, while my uncle and auntie looking after the store. Didn’t have much restaurant there, we just went in a fast food restaurant for lunch today. Sigh, I want to go shopping around, but didn’t have mood today>_<
We stay in the store until 3pm something, and then I asked Chunchun to back home to take a nap, because Grandma wanted to go to Jumpin Gym, U.S.A with Chunchun tonight. Hum, at first I wanted to go shopping alone afterward, but finally I napped with Chunchun this afternoon=_=;
Went to Jumpin Gym after lunch, ha, lucky Chunchun he won a little bear tonight, it’s his favorite bear. Actually we saw some bigger one in the other machine, but it’s hard to win it, so we give up on it, won a little bear is enough^^

