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今日好無聊丫(Boring Day)


Went to shopping alone this afternoon, at first I wanted to take Chunchun to Space Museum; however, Chunchun didn’t want to go to out. Hum, bought a set of clothe and pants for Chunchun, and then bought myself a comic and hair clip…Hum, I wanted to buy clothes and shoes for myself too, but didn’t have mood to walk too long~_~ So I bought a few doughnuts back home, wanted to have tea with Chunchun together^^ Bought a Chokko Fudge Cake, a Chocolate iced with sprinkles and a Cinnamon 8; they were so mummy^^ I like it a lot, but Chunchun didn’t like it=_=; Finally I ate 2 of it and leave 1 for tomorrow breakfast.
Chunchun was being a good boy today, great Grandma said that he didn’t watch TV at all, keep drawing the whole day.
After dinner, Grandma and I took Chunchun to Jusco to walk around. Hum so disappointed that I didn’t found anything nice. Went to Jumpin Gym afterward, and played until 10pm.