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有聖誕禮物啦(X'mas Gift)


Have to go to eye doctor with Papa again, so hurry took Chunchun to school with Grandma and then prepare to go to Hong Kong with Papa. We arrived to Hong Kong around 11am something, we first went to Prince Edward and Mong Kok to shop around and have lunch, and then back to Central to the eye doctor.
Hum, I though that the clinic was super crowded today, and it take longer for us to wait for the surgery. Remember last week we leave the clinic before 5pm, but today we leave on 5.15pm something. Since Chunchun and I will go to Hong Kong tomorrow for 4 days 3nights, so Papa and I didn’t go back to Mong Kok to shop around, we walk to the ferry terminal right after Papa finished his eye surgery. But we do to go Toys ‘r’ us for a walk when we pass by…haha, and we bought X’mas gift for Chunchun there^^
We back to Macau around 8pm something, so funny; once we back home, Chunchun was so happy running to us. And then when he noticed that Papa was carrying a big Toys ‘r’ Us plastic bag, he grabbed it and said “wow, is it my gift?” Haha…