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去香港囉(Go To Hong Kong)


I been planning when and how to celebrate birthday with Chunchun, birthday party on Dec 7, and then go to Disneyland on Dec 8; it’s my plan, but then Grandma told me that most of our relative didn’t have time on Dec 7… so we hurry to arrange birthday party on Nov 24 for Chunchun first. Sigh, I didn’t want to go to Hong Kong at all, because Sunday we have to hurry back to Macau to join Venus’s birthday party… Chunchun and I must be super tired.
Picked up Chunchun on 4pm and then hurry back home and hurry to the pier. We arrived to the pier around 4.40pm and bought the 5pm ticket; however we have to take the 5.30pm ferry because the pier was so crowded today=_=
Called Grandma and Grandpa when we arrived to Hong Kong and told them we meet at MTR station, because we planned to go out for dinner together and then go to Jumpin Gym for a while. Sigh, didn’t know what’s Grandpa thinking, been telling him since this morning, we will go out for dinner, but when we met in MTR station… he only were slippers=_= Oh, fine, finally we bought dinner back to Grandpa’s home and no Jumpin Gym tonight.