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駿駿今日一入到圖書館,發現又多左d新圖書喎…真係好啦,依家圖書館成日都有新書架.好快就搵到佢要借乜書啦..今日要借五星級大鼠丫@_@見到本書…我就打左個冷震啦,因為好厚..打開黎睇下…成60幾頁喎,睡前故仔..點讀丫=_=; 叫駿駿揀過第二本又唔肯喎,唯有照借囉…

Woke up early for library again, at first Chunchun didn’t want to return the story book that borrowed last Friday, because we only read 2 times. But then I found that this Friday is the anniversary of school, library will not open that day. Told Chunchun about that, then Chunchun decided to return the story book today and borrow the new one.
Arrived to library around 8am, stupid me… I brought my DC with me and planned to take some photo of Chunchun, but I forgot to take photo of him until I leave school=_=;
Chunchun decided to borrow Ratatouille this morning, sigh, it’s a story book that around 60 pages…couldn’t image that I have to read it with him before bedtime… Started to read the Ratatouille after dinner, because I knew that it must take a long time, and yup… it took me over an hour to read it with Chunchun~_~