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日式燒烤(Japanese Barbecue)

今日送完駿駿返學,重要做爸爸既司機車去周圍去,又要去酒店,又要去銀行,又要去公司…就係咁,依度去下果度去下就冇左一個上午啦>_< 返到屋企都成1點幾囉…快手洗晒d衫晾好d衫,搵d野食就去超市買野啦.

After take Chunchun to school in the morning, I have to drive Papa to work, to the bank, to the hotel and to the office… and that spent me the whole morning to being a driver>_< Back home around 11am something, and hurry finished my laundry… found something to eat and then go to supermarket to buy stuff.
When I went to pick up Chunchun this afternoon, I found that their teacher had renewed their board already; it’s a big birthday cake with kids around. Too bad that I didn’t bring my DC today, have to bring my DC tomorrow and take a photo of it with Chunchun^^
Papa called around 5pm something, told me that he will go to hair cut this evening, and asked me not to cook tonight^O^ Haha, it’s because he wanted me to pick him up after he finish his hair cut, and he don’t want me to cook because he didn’t when he will finish. Papa called me around 7pm again; he finally finished his hair cut. Chunchun was the happiest one that we decided to have dinner out tonight.
We went into a Japanese Barbecue Restaurant to have dinner tonight. Hum, foods there were nice, but it’s quite expensive… a bowl of noodles need $60, and it’s not a big bowl. Anyway we had a nice dinner there^^