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返澳門囉(Back to Macau)

今晚要返澳門啦,係返澳門之前我就自己再去多次旺角行街呢,最後都想買多d野嘛.不過今日都唔係買左好多野咋,買左對髮夾同一打東甩囉.近期我地一家三口都愛上左Krispy Kreme既東甩丫,每次返黎香港都會返d返澳門食呢^o^

Back to Macau tonight, before we back to Macau… I went to Mong Kok to shop again. Didn’t buy much today, just buy a hair clip and a dozen of doughnuts from Krispy Kreme… Papa, Chunchunc and I love it recently ^O^
Back home around 3pm something to prepare to go to pick up Grandma from work and then we go to ferry terminal together. Arrived to Grandma’s store a half hour earlier, so I took Chunchun to walk around and have tea for a while. Happy Chunchun found a mini Lion Prime in a Department Store… it’s my first time to find the Lion Prime and it’s mini one, so bought it for Chunchun. I knew that Papa will be exciting about it too, because he’s Prime’s fans.
We got on the 6pm ferry and back home around 7.30pm. Poor Papa still at work so we went to the café near our home to have dinner tonight.