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水痘拜拜(Bye Bye Chicken Pox)


Last day of Chinese New Year holiday, Grandma said that Chunchun may have to take a few days sick leave for his Chicken Pox… but when I check on his Chicken Pox, I think he should be fine now, he can go to school tomorrow.
Went to hospital to check on Chunchun’s Chicken Pox and to get the letter to terminate the preventive quarantine. I am right, Chunchun was recover it already, Doctor wrote me the terminate form so that Chunchun can go to school tomorrow^O^
So happy that Chunchun didn’t feel any sickness from Chicken Pox, because I heard that most of the kids will have fever, lack of appetite, very itch., Chicken Pox will spread to everywhere… face, hands, legs etc. But Chunchun only have Chicken Pox on his body, his face, arms and legs have no Chicken Pox on it