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情人節(Valentine's Day)


Valentine’s Day today, and it’s first day of school after Chinese New Year Holiday; they were having a Chinese New Year Celebration this morning, and then kids will stay in school until 3.30pm. Went to school with Chunchun before 9am, so lucky we found a packing space that near school this morning. Went to assembly hall to wait for celebration while all students were back to their class.
Celebration starts at 9.30am, they changed the style of Chinese New Year Celebration. I think it’s better then last 2 years, because last 2 years their games only for parents and kids… however, most of the parents didn’t have time to attend the celebration; that made most of the kids just sit and wait to have snack. This year, they made 4 booths, 4 different games for student to play. I saw all the student were happy this year^^ Celebration ended around 10.30am, and then I back home to wait for pick up Chunchun on 3.30pm.
Hum, picked up Chunchun around 3.30pm and then we back home to have tea together and went to supermarket and playground for a while. Because I didn’t need to cook tonight^O^ Papa said we will go to Venetian Macao to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Haha, Papa brought me a diamond ring today, but I didn’t when I can pick it up since my finger is too small, most of my rings need to be tailor-made. We met Uncle in Jewelry store, and while we waiting for the order form, uncle took Chunchun to buy toys^^ Happy Chunchun brought a bear and a lion dolls today.
We have dinner at Coca Restaurant, hum, foods were nice there but their dishes were too little=_= We didn’t full tonight, poor Chunchun have to ate McDonald’s afterward….


