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參觀小學部(Primary School)


Woke up early for library this morning, and then I have to go to visit the Primary School. K3 student’s parent can go to visit Primary this morning and attend in P1 English lesson, Chinese or Math lesson.
The Primary School wasn’t bad I think, 2 teachers in one class, and it’s around 20 students per class. I saw foreigner teaching English lesson, and P1 student seem to understand well, rare need the other local teacher to explained it once in Cantonese. And the Math lesson seem to be interesting too, they have games to teach student math. Not bad, I guess I will let Chunchun go in this Primary School.
Back home around 11am something, I was super tired after visiting the Primary School, but it’s a good decision to visit the Primary School; because I been thinking should I seeking for another Primary school for Chunchun, and now… I don’t have to worry much.