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英文班(English Course)

今朝11點左右就同駿駿一齊去7仔度買野小食做午餐啦,因為我想儲Hello Kitty印花呢.今日我地買左2隻糯米雞,一條司華力腸,2份魚旦同2份燒賣,食完好飽呢..不過久唔久食下依d野真係幾好食^o^

Went to 7-eleven to buy snack for lunch this morning around 11am, haha, we bought 2 glutinous rice pack, sausage, fish balls and Steamed pork dim sim for lunch…yummy ^O^
Let Chunchun nap before 1pm and then we went to English course around 2.30pm. They were reviewing Places in the City and making a book of it. Kids seems to be enjoy making a book, kept drawing many places in the city on each page and coloring it. All the kids have to bring the book back home to finish it, hope that Chunchun will finish it before next Saturday.