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新八佰伴(New Yaohan)


Took Chunchun to school with Grandpa this morning, and then back home to do housework with Grandpa and then went to supermarket together. Prepared lunch around noontime, and we waited until 1pm… Papa finally called and told us that he was busy, couldn’t back for lunch>_<
Went to pick up Chunchun around 4pm with Grandpa. Happy Chunchun show me his art work once he saw me^^ He made an apple this time, it look really nice; when we get on my car, Grandpa didn’t know it’s a art work, he thought that it’s really apple.
Since Papa was super busy today, we decided to go to New Yaohan tonight… Grandma came to Macau around 7pm, so we meet Grandma in New Yaohan around 7pm. We first walking around in Toys section, and then went to have dinner in a restaurant. So happy that Papa called around 7pm something, he have time to have dinner with us^O^
We bought a lot of stuff today, bought a clothes stand, 2 pajamas and some underwear for Chunchun, 2 shirts for Papa and a few Hello Kitty stuff for myself^O^
