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金都水療(Waldo Spa )


Went to Grand Waldo Spa this morning around 11am, sigh, I didn’t want to go today since it’s so cloudy today… we couldn’t go to swimming pool this time. But Chunchun really want to go there and Grandpa didn’t go there before. So lucky that they were having 2 adult free 1 kid promotion ^O^
We first went to 1st floor to have later breakfast and then went to 5th floor to play in the indoor kid’s fun area. And then I found that it’s sunny out, so I let Chunchun go to outdoor playground to play for a while. Chunchun didn’t want to play the scooter and bicycle because he have it at home, today he mostly ride on the mini car, went on the slide sometime. Went to spa around 1pm something, and then we have lunch around 2pm. Actually we should meet at 1st floor around 1.30pm, but Chunchun and Grandpa didn’t come out until 2pm~_~… Grandpa said Chunchun didn’t willing to leave the massage pool=.=;
After lunch, we decided to go to the cinema room to watch movie, however, no one in the cinema room, no movie on air… and then a staff showed us some VCD to let us pick a movie to watch. Nothing really interesting, so we back to Entertainment and dining area to watch TV and rest for a while to let Chunchun take a nap first.
Sigh, Papa called around 3pm something>_< Grandpa asked to have dinner tonight, that means Chunchun and I have to leave earlier around 6pm today…. Sigh, we planed to stay until 10pm something… but now>_< Grandma and Grandpa stay in Spa until 10pm something, Chunchun and I go to have dinner with Grandpa, and then come to pick up Grandparent around 10pm something…
Since we didn’t have much time to stay in Waldo, I woke up Chunchun around 4pm and then let him have a tea before we went to 5th floor to play. Went to massage pool around 6pm to get ready to leave… and back home before 7pm to go to MGM to have dinner with Grandpa.
Chunchun was a bit disappointed that we have to leave Waldo Spa a few hours earlier, but he’s happy when we met his little brother… he love to play wit his little brother and dining with Grandpa.


