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同駿駿一齊行街(Shopping with Chunchun)


Went to the park with Chunchun around 11am something to let him play for a while and then walk to Festival Walk to have lunch and go to Toys ‘r’ Us there. Hum, I love to go out with Chunchun, he’s very trouble something, but I enjoy going out with him, I like to show him every interesting stuff^^
We arrived to Festival Walk around noontime; we first go to Toys ‘r’ Us to walk around. Sigh, I saw Chunchun’s favorites toys having promotion in TST Toys ‘r’ Us yesterday, I thought that may have that promotion in Festival Walk too; however, it doesn’t=.= Chunchun was quite disappointed that he couldn’t play the toy, promised him to go to TST Toys ‘r’ Us tomorrow before we back to Macau.
After lunch, we went to Mong Kok and Princess Edward to shop around bought 2 set of shirt and pants for Chunchun this afternoon, and bought 2 NDSL pen and some stuff. Went to Krispy Kreme to have tea and then back home to let Chunchun take nap. Before Chunchun go to bed, he told me that he want to go out with my auntie tonight… haha, called my auntie immediately^^
After dinner, we went to Jumpin Gym with Grandma, my auntie and cousin. Since Chunchun didn’t have enough nap, he was quite emotional in the beginning, but then he was super happy playing in Jumpin Gym and he kept telling my auntie and cousin how to play his favorites game…

