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返澳門囉(Back to Macau)

大約1點左右,我地就去左間日本料理店度食午飯啦,食完再去茶樓搵網友傾左幾分鐘計,我地就要去搭船囉>_< 2點半船應該3點半到澳門架嘛…點知今日船又慢左啦,成3點50分先到碼頭.好彩今日過關唔多人,又有爸爸黎接我地…我地先可以4點鬆d就返到屋企.有時黑仔,海關多人又要自己行返屋企..咁又會冇左成個鐘呢.

Bought 2.30pm ferry ticket 2 days ago, and today… we leave home around 11am because we need to go to Toys ‘r’ Us before we back to Macau. Hum, arrived to TST before noontime, we first walking around in Ocean Terminal… bought a pair of shoes for Chunchun and then hang around in Toys ‘r’ Us until 1pm. Poor Chunchun was so disappointed today, because his favorite toy promotion was disappear =.= I was quite disappointed too, so bad that Chunchun didn’t went out with me on Saturday, if he went out with me, he could have a chance to play with his favorite toy.
Went to a Japanese restaurant to have lunch with Chunchun around 1pm and then went to Chinese restaurant to gossip with my net friends for a few minutes before we entry the ferry terminal.
Sigh, we arrived to Macau around 3.50pm>_< wonder why Macau ferry always delays… Luckily, Papa came to pick us up today, we could arrived home around 4pm.

