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返學囉(Go To School)


Back to school after 3 days holiday, haha, silly Chunchun kept asking me are we going to library this morning, and then I kept telling him to look at the clock. It’s already 8am, if we have to go to library, we already in school now, and not preparing to school.
Back home to do homework with Chunchun, but didn’t study today, planned to let him rest for a week and starts study again next Monday. Because he just finished his test last week, they were learning new topic this week.
Went to pick up Grandma around 7pm with Chunchun, and then hurry back home to prepare dinner. We were having macaroni tonight, because I didn’t have time to go to foods market yet… and tomorrow have to ask Grandma to go to foods market alone since Papa and I have to go to Hong Kong.