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同爸爸2個人返香港行街(Shopping At Hong Kong With Papa)


Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, and then Grandma went to foods market alone and I back home to prepare to go to Hong Kong with Papa before noontime, because I need to arrive to The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong before 2pm this afternoon.
Hum, we arrived to Hong Kong around noontime, we first went to have lunch and then go to The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong immediately. Lucky me, didn’t have much people there today, we only wait for around 10 minutes, it’s my turn to see doctor^^ and we leave the clinic before 2pm.
Went to shopping at Mong Kok immediately, hum, we ordered our 08 anniversary wedding rings and Papa bought a shirt and a Transformers, I bought a new DV today. Haha, my DV is for Chunchun’s graduate ceremony… because he will perform KungFu this year. And Papa bought Chunchun’s favorite toy to him too. Sigh, every time we went to Hong Kong with out Chunchun, we usually buy something for him without collecting stickers… maybe because we both feel sorry that leave him alone in Macau with Grandma
Happy Chunchun knew that we will buy something for him. He been waiting for us for a long time. Once we back home, Chunchun ran to Papa and asked “Where is my toy?” Haha, Chunchun notice the Transformer first and thought that maybe for him; Papa protect this toy immediately and told Chunchun to ask me for his gift XD