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剪髮(Hair Cut)


Took Chunchun to school with Grandma this morning, and then we back home together to have breakfast. Didn’t know why I was quite tired recently, I went back to bed to nap while Grandma helping me to vacuum. Wow I must be very tired, I been napping for 3 hours I think… didn’t woke up until Papa call back that he couldn’t back for lunch.
Went to pick up Chunchun with Grandma and planned to take Chunchun to hair cut after school. At first we couldn’t found a parking space, I thought I may have to wait in my car… Luckily, I notice a parking space right after Chunchun and Grandma went in the salon. Parked my car and then let Grandma go to food market to buy fish while Chunchun having his hair cut.