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新攬枕(New Long Cushion)

下午同澳門媽咪會既朋友去八佰伴飲茶,飲完茶我就同sandy一齊行左陣街..哈,我地去左玩Hello Kitty抽獎…當然我又係抽唔到我想要架啦=.=但係我買左個Hello Kitty 2用攬枕..可以變做坐墊架…我想買個攬枕比駿駿好耐架啦…依個就岩晒啦..我又可以用黎做坐墊^^
買完野就去接駿駿放學啦,駿駿都真係幾眼利,一上車就望到車頭多左個袋…見到Hello Kitty攬枕就話要啦..不過佢成身汗,我要佢返到屋企換左衫先準攬呢.之後就同佢做功課同溫習啦.琴日默過中文,今日就比數學佢做,不過駿駿計算真係..唔知佢係大意定係乜啦..成日都錯既=.=

Took Chunchun to school this morning, I been teaching him open and close the door by himself since Monday. Because I used to use the safely lock that back seat door couldn’t open from inside; but now Chunchun will going to primary school soon and the location of primary school not allow me to park my car by the sidewalk… Chunchun have to get off my car by himself and run into school quick. These few days Chunchun didn’t have any problem to get off my car in the morning since I parked my car by the sidewalk… but today, nowhere I can park and I only stop in front of the school gate and told him to run into school once he close the car door. He was a little bit nervous then didn’t close the door and run to school=.=; Luckily he return to close the door a few seconds later…
Went to New Yaohan to have lunch with Macau Mama Club friends, hum, after lunch I walk around with Sandy for a while… haha we played the Hello Kitty lucky draw and I bought Hello Kitty 2 ways cushion (long cushion to be a square cushion) today; I like it a lot, but I bought it for Chunchun, because I been looking for long cushion for him to sleep=.=
Went to pick up Chunchun after shopping, happy Chunchun notice the Hello Kitty cushion once he get in my car and wanted to hug it immediately^^ Back home to do homework and study with him. Gave him some Math to do… sigh, he really didn’t good at counting~_~