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冇得去圖書館(NO Library)

今朝一早起身同駿駿去最後一次圖書館…點知…我地就到學校時老師先打比我話今日圖書館唔開啦…佢琴日唔記得同我講喎=.= 點都好啦,我都泊左車囉,都照送駿駿返學再自己去買餸囉…因為今日早左去街市,早左買完餸,8點45分之前我就走晒學校去偷睇下駿駿做緊乜啦.我見佢好開心咁同佢班同學仔周圍走呢..重玩到成日汗添…

Woke up early to go to library with Chunchun this morning, it should be the last open day of library… however, just before I arrive to school, Chunchun teacher called me that library will not open today=.= she forgot to told me yesterday… Well I parked my car already, so I took Chunchun to school around 8am and then I went to foods market myself. Finished shopping before 8.45am so that I went back to school to peek at Chunchun^^ He was running around with his classmates, he looks very happy and sweat…