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英文班(English Course)

今堂佢地學Phonics A-C丫,我聽駿駿都做得唔錯,好多字都識得發音又岩咁啦…上完英文班,駿駿成個人都開心晒,精神晒囉…返屋企前再同佢去10蚊店買d野,佢重揀左要買大富翁添..睇黎我地都真係可以買盒真既返黎囉.買完野返屋企,駿駿就大覺瞓囉..都話佢係扭眼瞓架啦..真係煩

Didn’t have much to do this morning, study with him in the morning and then made Chunchun favorite Cheese & Bacon & Tomato macaroni in Omelette for lunch. After lunch at first Chunchun should take a nap before English Course, but he refused to nap this afternoon until 2pm something = =… He told me he’s sleepy just before we have to go to English Course.
Sigh, Chunchun fall in sleep in car and I have to wake him up and forced him to got in the Learning Centre. Talk with him around 10 minutes he finally gets in his classroom. Hum, I wonder is Chunchun wanted to continue study English in Learning Centre. He was happy during class, but it’s not his first time that refuses to go to English Course… or it’s just because he was sleepy?
They were learning Phonics “A-C” today, I heard that Chunchun was doing not bad, he know most of the words and pronounce it right. After English Course we went to 10 dollars store to buy stuff and Chunchun bought a fake Monopoly XD Back home before 5pm and Chunchun went to bed immediately…