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最後一堂英文暑期班(Last English Summer Course)

今日開始正式放暑假囉,我地瞓到成9點先起身呢…之後一直都冇乜野好早..行行企企又坐下咁等爸爸返黎食午飯,食完午飯後我地就一家三口一齊睇電影”幪面超人The Next”囉.我地等佢出DVD等左好耐架啦,今日終於有得睇.我地一家三口都幾鍾意幪面起人呢^O^不過因為下午要上英文班,所以睇左一半之後我地就要出門口囉,淨番一半等晚上食完晚飯先再睇呢.

Summer holiday starts today, we woke up around 9am something and then we just hanging around in home to wait for Papa back for lunch. Papa back around 11 am and then we started to watch movie after lunch. We watched the Mask Rider The Next ^O^ We all like Mask Rider a lot. Watched around 1hour then Chunchun and I have to go to English Summer Course, so we continue watching movie after dinner.
Today it the last English Summer Course for Chunchun, and then we have to wait until September after school starts, confirm the school schedule and then arrange English Course again. Chunchun said he wanted to keep going to English Course, he really like it, but when I ask him, he can stay in Macau to continue English Course instead of go to Hong Kong… then he changed his mind and said “it’s ok to wait unlit September…